Welfare & Humanitarian
The SAB&T FOUNDATION is invested in devoting its time and resources to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms.
Here are some of our previous beneficiaries:
Nelson Mandela Day
In 2020, the SAB&T Foundation ran a 67 DAY campaign of challenging both the staff and public to raise funds for Covid 19 relief.Nelson Mandela International Day is an annual international day in honour of Nelson Mandela, celebrated each year on 18 July, Mandela’s birthday. The day was officially declared by the United Nations in November 2009, with the first UN Mandela Day held on 18 July 2010. Making every day a Mandela Day celebrates Madiba’s life and legacy in a sustainable.
Each year the SAB&T FOUNDATION celebrates the legacy that Nelson Mandela left.
- Perishable goods collection drive or a Blanket drive
- Dedication of 67 minutes to serve the local community
- In 2020, the SAB&T Foundation ran a 67 DAY campaign of challenging both the staff and public to raise funds for Covid 19 relief.
National Comforts Campaign
As part of an international day celebrated in all of Nexia firms, SAB&T FOUNDATION raised funds for sanitary products for female learners.
The gifts were provided to two schools, namely: Lerutlhwane Primary School and Tlhotlholetsang Primary School.
As a continuity for our national comforts campaign, Nexia SAB&T are raising funds to buy pairs of shoes for learners for the Winter months.
Down Syndrome SA (Tekkie Tax)
Down Syndrome South Africa is the National Umbrella Body of all Down Syndrome associations across South Africa. We are a non-profit organisation (NPO 009-415) which is made up of people with Down syndrome, their families and interested persons working to improve the quality of life for those with Down syndrome. We also include people with other intellectual disabilities.
SAB&T FOUNDATION takes part in this initiative by purchasing wrist bands, and the funds go towards the association, staff then wear their takkies to work.
This vision embodies a world in which all people embrace one another’s equality and are inspired to use their inherent abilities to find their passion for and benefit fairly from SA’s growth.
Our organization hosts monthly networking breakfasts and lunches which aim to bring business people together in an effort to foster the spirit of Ubuntu.
Spiritual Chords
Spiritual Chords is an identity to provide a platform for women or youth who want to assist other non-profit organisations or projects with back-up and support.
The SAB&T Foundation got involved in sponsoring a monetary amount used towards an: Eid feeding initiative, panic buttons for a GBV (Gender Based Violence) project and providing hot meals to Newclare residents. The Foundation also contributed towards buying 50 trees and planting them at Sunrise School in Diepsloot to encourage a cleaner environment.
The Amy Foundation
The Amy Foundation is the beneficiary of the Ubuntu Foundation. The Amy Foundation is a non-profit organisation that offers programmes that develop and empower youth. Their after school programme provides environments that allow children to overcome shortcomings in their education. Their Youth Skills Development programme helps young adults prepare for employment.
The SAB&T FOUNDATION is a part of both the UBUNTU and AMY FOUNDATION programme, by donating funds to the foundation as well as hosting business breakfasts.
Feed the Babies
The aim is to create change in the lives of babies and children of all races, that are living in poverty.
To facilitate the growth and development of babies during their formative years; from birth to six years old; through focussing on their nutritional and educational needs.
SAB&T FOUNDATION had raffles and raised funds aswell as assisting at various fund raising events in manning stalls. We donated funds to enable the underprivileged children to attend The Feed the Babies Fund Golden Anniversary Variety Show and at the show we had a stand and handed out chocolates to the children.
SAB&T FOUNDATION also served as the funds treasurer and attended meetings.
Habitat for Humanity
Facilitates the election and formation of a body of community leaders. Through leadership and skills development of these leaders, we equip them to lead their communities. Through a series of workshops, we help the people of the community understand their own housing development project and give them essential knowledge ranging from practical home partner information to the role of the stakeholders, to the costs, materials, regulations and basic architecture of their homes.
SAB&T FOUNDATION was part of a group of companies that joined forces to build 8 houses in a week. The SAB&T FOUNDATION staff presented the house keys to the new home owners.
New BeginningZ
New BeginningZ has been in operation since 2001, with the main focus being assisting children living and working on the streets. In 2003, due to the HIV/Aids Pandemic they included Child Headed Households to their focus group and in 2004 had to include yet another vulnerable group: abandoned babies and toddlers.
New Beginnings Foundation
New Beginnings Care Centre is the nucleus of the Foundation. The Care Centre is an organisation that addresses the needs of the disadvantaged and has an occupancy rate of approximately 1400 people who are housed and fed. Education is provided for the children at an on-site Crèche, which currently has 180 children in attendance.
SAB&T FOUNDATION supports both the New Beginngiz and the Foundation by providing them with much-needed supplies for the babies as well as our staff spend time feeding and playing with the children. Our staff dedicate their 67mins annually to helping to feed the local community at the foundations feeding scheme.
United Cerebral Palsy Association of South Africa
UCPASA’s aim is to empower individuals with CP to reach their maximum potential and lead happy and fulfilled lives. For over 4 decades the Association has cared for the needs of the entire country and even across our borders their reputation is an established fact.
SAB&T FOUNDATION donates funds towards the association.
Reach for a Dream
Reach for a Dream believe in the power of dreams. They encourage children to use their dreams to fight life-threatening illnesses and seek as far as possible to make dreams come true.
SAB&T FOUNDATION staff participated in various campaigns in aid for these children and donates funds towards the organisation.
Thandusana Babies Safe Home
Thandusana, meaning Love a Baby, is a home for orphaned babies and children, situated in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. Thandusana is a temporary safe haven that aims to care for HIV infected or affected infants.
SAB&T FOUNDATION’s Port Elizabeth office has been donating monthly towards helping with the groceries and other necessities for the children. Staff also volunteer their time to help with renovations when needed.
Lions Club – Kirstenbosch
With over 46,000 clubs and more than 1.4 million members, Lions Clubs International is one of the largest service organisations in the world. Every day, Lions men and women from all over the globe continue to make a positive impact in the lives of those who need help most – from children who need spectacles to read, to seniors who don’t have enough food.
SAB&T FOUNDATION supports this organisation as we believe in the saying, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved.’
Laudium Cancer Care Group
The Laudium Cancer Care Group was formed by a small group of volunteers, who shared a common goal of offering a support system to cancer patients and their families and to help them enjoy a better quality of life.
The Group’s services have been rendered with 100% community support and funding. Volunteers provide supportive services including: emotional support, transport, financial assistance, and the provision of (limited) medical care by an employed nurse.
SAB&T FOUNDATION has supported the care group and will continue to assist where the lives of the community can be positively impacted.
Laudium Youth Congress
The 26th June 2016 marked the 61st Anniversary of the Freedom Charter. A group of youth met and decided to re-establish the Laudium Youth Congress (LAYCO). LAYCO was a congress aligned organisation affiliated to the UDF and led the youth of the community in the struggle to win our freedom, they are now known as Laudium Youth Congress.
SAB&T FOUNDATION has supported the formation of the movement and will continue to assist where the lives of the community can be positively impacted.
Heavens Nest
Located in Cape Town, Heaven’s Nest is a project of the Church of St Francis of Assisi in Strandfontein and the Fikelela Aids Project.
They care for up to 14 children between the ages of six months and eight years at a time. As well as providing love, good food, basic education and health care, they also provide counselling and play therapy to all our children.
SAB&T FOUNDATION believes in investing in the future leaders of tomorrow and Heavens Nest continues to receive our support.
Hendrik Monyeki
Hendrik Monyeki is a young up and coming local Jazz musician who caught the attention of one of our directors when he was on a live radio interview on 702, during the John Robbie show. Hendriks plea was that he needed assistance through sponsorship in order to travel overseas to realise his dream of learning and performing in Sweden, Germany and various other countries in Europe.
SAB&T FOUNDATION sponsored the young artist the full amount that he required in order to fund his trip.
“My excitement cannot be contained as I think back to the cultural and creative exchange that I experienced in Germany and Sweden during 2016. My sold-out shows gave rise to my upcoming live video recording, aptly named “Beyond Measure”. I am grateful beyond measure to my tour sponsor of 2016, Nexia SAB&T, one of the leading tax consultation firms and winner of the 2019 DiamondArrow award by PMRafrica.” – Hendrik Monyeki, Renown Jazz and Gospel Musician
Wings for Life
The Wings for Life World Run is a global charity event with a unique, and uniquely fun, format. 100% of all entry fees and all donations raised through fundraising campaigns go directly to life-changing spinal cord research projects and clinical trials at renowned universities and institutes worldwide.
The nonprofit Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation is a driving force behind the mission.
SAB&T FOUNDATION’s staff support this initiative annually.
Meal SA is an emerging South African civil society initiative that has been active since the national lockdown began, and has been coordinating efforts to prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable in our country.
The SAB&T Foundation was involved by promoting this campaign as well as donating 100 000 bags of Mielie meal to individuals and families in need.